
This is my blog. The plan is to use this to keep track of how I’ve been spending my free time. We’ll see how this goes.

I’ve been wanting to have a place to keep a record of various projects I’ve been working on. I finally gave up (for now) on building something myself, and decided to start off with using a static site generator. After 10 years in Big Tech, I still suffer from “Not Invented Here” syndrome. Baby steps.

Blog Tech

  • Hugo : Static site generator. Impressively simple, and easy to get started. Good assortment of templates.
  • MeiK2333/github-style : Super-nerdy Hugo template. IYKYK
  • Nginx : Web server. I still want to make my own someday. It’s deep in my todo list.
  • Digital Ocean : Cloud server. I pay $6/month for the server (1 GB RAM), and $1/month for a 10GB storage volume (makes it easy to nuke the server and start over if I ever get hacked by Russians again).

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